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File: 1711913897121.jpeg (518.01 KB, 1482x2048, E--R8mhXIAUYFjp.jpeg)

ac7d793b No.3736407[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Previous thread: >>3734919

Any further /pol/ threads will be deleted.
857 posts and 506 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

ae7f08b9 No.3738505

1cd0605e No.3738509

File: 1665363656428.png (2.02 MB, 966x1250, 1664220777.hedax_szeryf_fa.png)

55737bf4 No.3669504[Reply]

Official IRC: irc.furnet.org #lulz
Web client: https://kiwiirc.com/nextclient/irc.furnet.org/lulz
Unofficial Discord:

55737bf4 No.3669505

55737bf4 No.3669506

Current source of Patreon/paysite rips:

File: 1712880214937.png (328.83 KB, 591x719, 8fa1d540a51c021b99a9aaff7f….png)

89e36de1 No.3737411[Reply]

Are you a furry who's sole social existence relies on living vicariously through your character online that you have no life outside of your furry bubble world? If you are please tell us about it? Even if you aren't and you know people like that, please do tell?
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ff198c85 No.3737588

File: 1713105090293.png (5.2 MB, 4260x4009, Quelux-785386-KedaWolf FA.png)

In my experience the ones who do it are either on government benefits or have a trust fund.

Payday loans might work for a while but imagine what the repo guy would have to go through.

98b5ee8a No.3737630

File: 1713143293399.jpg (145.2 KB, 1080x1080, plantfriend.jpg)


d253d7a8 No.3738485

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"Everything is grooming, and an age difference of 2 years or less is a power dynamic, anything not fully human is zoo.

d253d7a8 No.3738486

File: 1714002108881-0.png (1.54 MB, 5463x4776, 833433.png)

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Her voice sounds like all fun has been drained from her soul. And she's only allowed herself the most vanilla of vanilla stuff.


d253d7a8 No.3738500

File: 1714010853993-0.jpeg (249.35 KB, 791x1102, kit74.jpeg)

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Her stuff shows how confused she is/was

d253d7a8 No.3738508

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This is the person apparently kittiedog groomed


They are… Everything, just everything

Gay, trans flag, autistic, satanic, edgy, femboy, gore artist, etc… etc… etc

d253d7a8 No.3738510

File: 1714020191446.png (378.13 KB, 1284x734, His_Parents.png)


This guy is chris chan level lolcow

He is always the victim of everything
Everyone else is an abuser
He has every mental/physical disability
He tried to kill himself when his parents cut off the internet

He has no irl friends
He didn't finish high school
He gave up on getting a GED

LULz I kid you not, just the first 16 minutes of birdie's 1 hour and 50 minute video is Holy shit.

File: 1702502167479.png (67.2 KB, 1280x720, Best-Ai-Writing-software2[….png)

3534f278 No.3724971[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


Surprised this one isn't making the rounds more. It's a very competent AI writing tool, and it's completely uncensored, so far. You can make it do violent cub yiff or whatever else you can come up with, and it gets things surprisingly inaccurate. Only thing is, it doesn't respond to "prompts" like ChatGPT, but rather you have to write the beginning yourself and it continues. Usually it tends to get stuck and repetitive if you don't insert some sentence of your own to guide the story once in a while, but it really does surprisingly well.

You can also try writing a description of what you want in the upper window, but sometimes it refuses to write anything at all or just ignores it, unless you write the beginning yourself. Anyway, a lot of potential, not just for erotica but other controversial material as well.
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2e1a8030 No.3738069

How are zero tax are deceptive?

Zero tax schemes can be deceptive in a number of ways:

1. Misleading advertising: Some companies may promote zero tax schemes as a way to avoid paying taxes legally, when in reality they are engaging in tax evasion or fraud.

2. Complex structures: Zero tax schemes often involve intricate financial structures that can be difficult for individuals to understand. This complexity can make it easier for companies to manipulate the system and avoid paying taxes.

3. Lack of transparency: Companies that engage in zero tax schemes may not be fully transparent about their financial practices, making it difficult for tax authorities to uncover any wrongdoing.

4. Exploitation of loopholes: Some zero tax schemes rely on exploiting loopholes in tax laws to avoid paying taxes. While these schemes may technically be legal, they can be seen as unethical or unfair by the general public.

Overall, zero tax schemes can be deceptive because they can mislead individuals, lack transparency, and exploit loopholes in the tax system.

2e1a8030 No.3738070

How does zero tax hurt small businesses?

Zero tax can hurt small businesses in the following ways:

1. Lack of funding for public services: Zero tax means that the government has less revenue to fund necessary public services such as infrastructure, education, and healthcare. This can lead to a deterioration in the quality of these services, which can ultimately impact small businesses.

2. Unfair competition: If small businesses are required to pay taxes while larger businesses are not, small businesses may struggle to compete on a level playing field. Zero tax can create an uneven playing field that disadvantages small businesses and prevents them from growing and thriving.

3. Reduced government support and resources: Zero tax means that the government has less money available to support small businesses through grants, loans, and other forms of assistance. This lack of support can hinder small businesses' ability to succeed and grow.

4. Inequality and insecurity: When businesses do not pay taxes, it can exacerbate income inequality and social disparities. Small businesses rely on a healthy and stable economy to survive, and zero tax policies can contribute to economic instability and uncertainty, making it harder for small businesses to plan and grow.

Overall, zero tax can create an unfair and challenging environment for small businesses, limiting their ability to succeed and thrive in the long run.

2e1a8030 No.3738071

What are some taxes in good or bad views in the public and private?

Some taxes are viewed positively by the public and private sector as they provide necessary revenue for government services and infrastructure. These can include income taxes, sales taxes, and property taxes.

Others are viewed negatively, such as business taxes or capital gains taxes, as they can discourage economic growth and investment. Additionally, some taxes, like sin taxes on items such as alcohol or tobacco, are seen as unfair or regressive by certain segments of the population.

Overall, opinions on taxes vary widely depending on individual circumstances and perspectives.

2e1a8030 No.3738072

How harmful are zero tax practices?

Zero tax practices, also known as tax avoidance or tax evasion, can be harmful in several ways.

First, they can deprive governments of much-needed revenue that is used to fund essential services such as healthcare, education, infrastructure, and social welfare programs. This can lead to budget deficits, cuts in services, and higher taxes for ordinary citizens.

Second, zero tax practices can create an uneven playing field, as some businesses are able to evade taxes while others pay their fair share. This can distort competition, disadvantage honest businesses, and undermine trust in the tax system.

Third, zero tax practices can contribute to income inequality, as wealthier individuals and corporations are more likely to engage in such practices, further exacerbating the wealth gap between the rich and the poor.

Overall, zero tax practices can have damaging effects on society as a whole, undermining public trust in the tax system, exacerbating income inequality, and depriving governments of revenue needed for essential services.

2e1a8030 No.3738438

File: 1713949640072.jpg (12.76 KB, 294x171, images.jpg)

Why does the United States lack the infrastructure and bureaucracy to build high speed maglev trains just like Japan's rail system?

There are several reasons why the United States lacks the infrastructure and bureaucracy to build high-speed maglev trains like Japan's rail system.

Firstly, the United States has a much larger land area and population compared to Japan, making it more difficult and expensive to build a comprehensive high-speed rail network that connects major cities across the country. Additionally, the U.S. has a more decentralized and fragmented system of government, with different states and local governments often having conflicting interests and priorities when it comes to transportation infrastructure.

Secondly, the U.S. has historically prioritized investments in highways and air travel over rail transportation, leading to a lack of funding and political will to develop high-speed rail projects. The federal government has also not provided consistent funding or support for high-speed rail development, which has hindered progress on these projects.

Furthermore, building a high-speed maglev train system requires significant planning, coordination, and investment in specialized technology and infrastructure. The U.S. currently lacks the expertise and experience in maglev technology compared to countries like Japan and China, where high-speed rail systems have been successfully implemented.

Overall, the lack of infrastructure and bureaucracy for high-speed maglev trains in the United States can be attributed to a combination of factors including the country's size and population, decentralized government structure, historical transportation priorities, and lack of expertise in maglev technology.

2e1a8030 No.3738460

File: 1713981486352.jpg (13.54 KB, 275x183, images.jpg)

How does crude oil play an important role in aguraculture industry?

Crude oil plays an important role in the agriculture industry in several ways:

1. Fuel: Crude oil is used as a source of fuel for farming equipment such as tractors, harvesters, and irrigation systems. This fuel is essential for carrying out various farming operations efficiently and effectively.

2. Fertilizers and pesticides: Crude oil is used in the production of fertilizers and pesticides that are essential for increasing crop yields and protecting crops from pests and diseases. Many fertilizers and pesticides are derived from petroleum products.

3. Plastics and packaging: Crude oil is used in the production of plastics and packaging materials that are used in agriculture for packaging and storing crops, as well as for manufacturing agricultural tools and equipment.

4. Machinery and equipment: Crude oil is used in the production of machinery and equipment used in agriculture, such as tractors, combines, and irrigation systems. These machines are essential for increasing efficiency and productivity in farming operations.

Overall, crude oil plays a crucial role in the agriculture industry by providing essential resources, fuels, and materials that are essential for modern agricultural practices.

2e1a8030 No.3738507

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Why some of India's cities don't invest in upgrading and building water sewage and treatmant facilities?

There could be several reasons why some of India's cities do not invest in upgrading and building water sewage and treatment facilities:

1. Lack of funding: One of the main reasons for the lack of investment in water infrastructure could be the limited financial resources available to municipal governments. Building and upgrading water sewage and treatment facilities require a significant amount of capital, which some cities may not have access to.

2. Political considerations: In some cases, political considerations may play a role in diverting funds away from water infrastructure projects towards other priorities. Elected officials may prioritize projects that are more visible and likely to garner support from voters, rather than investing in essential but less glamorous infrastructure projects.

3. Lack of technical expertise: Building and upgrading water infrastructure requires specialized technical knowledge and expertise. Some cities may lack the necessary human resources to plan, design, and implement these projects effectively.

4. Corruption and mismanagement: Corruption and mismanagement can also be barriers to investing in water infrastructure. Funds earmarked for water projects may be siphoned off or misused, leading to delays or incomplete projects.

5. Lack of awareness: In some cases, there may be a lack of awareness among city officials and residents about the importance of investing in water infrastructure. Without a clear understanding of the consequences of inadequate water treatment and sewage facilities, decision-makers may not prioritize these projects.

Overall, a combination of financial constraints, political considerations, technical challenges, corruption, and lack of awareness may all contribute to the lack of investment in water sewage and treatment facilities in some of India's cities. Addressing these barriers will require a concerted effort from government authorities, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders to prioritize and invest in sustainable water infrastructure development.

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d47aac5a No.3709261[Reply]

Big girls on small guys!
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88acdc60 No.3737798

File: 1713310181401.png (3.16 MB, 1500x1034, 1713167853.discreetuser_im….png)

55c2f027 No.3737861

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223b44a5 No.3737991

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88acdc60 No.3738056

File: 1713578747831.png (3.93 MB, 1919x1919, 1712686631.greasymojo_com_….png)

88acdc60 No.3738116

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f3aaebb3 No.3738330

File: 1713835880797.png (4.42 MB, 2250x4000, showoff_0_u18chan.png)

f3aaebb3 No.3738506

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7c023223 No.3738469[Reply]

How we lost our crafter to an accidental death during solo play and ways to keep yourself safer

b8e351bc No.3738482

Got killed him because he touched himself.

God put on a commercial about "I'm poop shy." when I was pawing off. Ruined it.

9da220a5 No.3738489

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1aa1762f No.3726624[Reply]

What the best and worst workout for your body?
Share some experience?

1aa1762f No.3726625

File: 1703453472492-0.jpg (568.4 KB, 1280x1008, 1538441525.epictones_felin….jpg)

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85a948b2 No.3738472

File: 1713994179587.jpeg (480.66 KB, 2988x1900, d5ed46c0f05336964402ca148….jpeg)

fdf7f35d No.3738487

File: 1714002264330-0.png (1.43 MB, 956x1521, snowyoga1_small_23_12_2020.png)

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fdf7f35d No.3738488

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>Flood detected; Post discarded.

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cbeac1e3 No.3738432[Reply]

Sadly yesterday evening, on the 20th of April, unknown people broke into my car and stole the entirety of my Pancan suit, Kio! If you see him anywhere, please hit me up IMMEDIATELY!!! It'd also help a lot if you could pread the word about this incident, thank you ❤️
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.

0ac9caaa No.3738463


Wrong. I am masturbating wearing the suit right here and now…I´m….I´m….mastubaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRR….

Fuuuck yeah!

05a687b0 No.3738473

what the fuck is a pancan

78550afe No.3738474

It's now in the trashcan, where it belongs.

2c9f7d14 No.3738475

Post some pics of you stuffing it with straw and cotton and jizz on it.

c5d93d40 No.3738476

File: 1713996535096.jpg (111.29 KB, 640x625, e99e19177d55ec8d68868b02e5….jpg)

Hybrid of a red panda and a toucan. Had to look it up. Pancreatic cancer confounded my query.

05a687b0 No.3738477

just an owl with a tail, birdfolk are the most retarded out of the entire community

05a687b0 No.3738478

i get some disturbing confounding shit all the time just look up Gist to get Scripts off google and get instantly buzzkilled

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8906cd5c No.3709127[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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1d4cf01e No.3735138

File: 1710923120160.jpg (65.65 KB, 551x551, 0d4df9_e002d62950744078a09….jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3735225

File: 1711015025255-0.png (2.99 MB, 2160x2160, 484e2399d1f5793c5bc8774eba….png)

File: 1711015025255-1.jpg (1.04 MB, 1440x2560, 1685894606.hollovv_3.jpg)

no sources finding these.

1d4cf01e No.3735227

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1d4cf01e No.3735500

File: 1711232723310.webm (871.93 KB, 640x360, f32f8263168a3268575eb7266….webm)

1d4cf01e No.3738425

File: 1713934009143.png (17.29 KB, 128x128, avatar.png)


Here it is everybody!! An in-depth tutorial on how to download AND use the Sketchfab Ripper v1.18.0b2 along with the sfConfig Updater tool that makes it work properly!

Resources: piratescave.netlify.app
Support Server: discord.gg/2R4GBmpqyE
DONATE HERE: ko-fi.com/piratescave/tip OR patreon.com/piratescave

1d4cf01e No.3738426

1d4cf01e No.3738471

File: 1713993882007.png (2.91 MB, 1920x1920, 2_ofqcP8v.png)

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01cf976c No.3715990[Reply]

Post robot related stuff.
40 posts and 60 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

8a1506f8 No.3733196

File: 1708804863341.gif (48.52 KB, 1179x1579, Taral Wayne_1995__TUNE-UO.GIF)

ca394040 No.3737257

File: 1712731119241-0.png (81.61 KB, 3150x2100, test_subject_01.png)

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ae298d26 No.3737330


Its amazing how the guy that draws this has fallen. He's the same guy that did a webcomic titled, "Racoonville," and it was PG and at the time the creator refused to draw adult content. Man, look at this shit now. His once wholesome characters are now completely debauched. What a hypocrite.

760e7efa No.3737357

Isn't he the one who posts some hard core porn, then changes his mind and deletes it all. Later, he posts more porn. Rinse and repeat.

87567955 No.3737449

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3667b697 No.3737507

File: 1713004933332-0.png (87.01 KB, 500x419, 1273036919.darkhoof_deerta….png)

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87c44d43 No.3738467

File: 1713991430917.jpg (44.63 KB, 550x800, 1293692721562_Pira_vixen_w….jpg)

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