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2c6a5232 No.3722988[View All]

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637 posts and 390 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

84588fc9 No.3724882

Breddy gud… There's another good YT channel for this stuff, but I forget the name right now, fuuuuuggggggggg.

Urine can be used for making homemade expl*sives.
Urine can also be used for making hydr*gen cy*nide.

db1206cd No.3724899

Yep, just like all the lefties screamed and swore that's what Trump would do if he were elected in 2016.
Never happened, we had 4 years of peace.
Lefty liars will say absolutely anything,
never believe them.

db1206cd No.3724902

You leftists must be retarded thinking burning books does anything.
Every single book can be accessed ONLINE.
Every. Single. Book.

465634ed No.3724905

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f2cc7cf2 No.3724906


The fucking monkeys want to be treated as equals but they do EVERYTHING to deny themselves of equality.

db1206cd No.3724908

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b68bdbe8 No.3724911

aren't you entitled~

7afc221e No.3724914

>I would choose a black surgeon over a racist surgeon

A racist surgeon being white of course. Your racist minds cannot break the link between white and racism.

2d27cfe6 No.3724915

It will be interesting to see what the American people do when the 2024 election is also stolen…..seems to me the options are complete surrender or all out war……or…….
It's already on the Texas legislative docket for after the election next year and has 60% support in state already.
It also is nearing 50% support in 20+ other states.
The icing on the cake is it also negates all legal responsibility to federal debts.
(federal debts and unfunded liabilities are over 240+ trillion now, the entirety of all civilian assets, government assets and lands are worth under 178 trillion)

And by the DOD's own admission they would not be able to stop it because their precious leftist cities are completely reliant on power, water and fuel grids that cannot be protected from even small groups, would take years to fix and that travel through large swaths of conservative areas before coming to their leftist shitholes (losing power alone by their own admission would result in the leftist areas having a 95% fatality rate within 6 months)

Secede, isolate the leftist areas then if they become a problem shut off the tap and let them die.

After enough of them are gone they can be annexed and any survivors deported since they will not be fellow citizens anymore. And I can promise you "greater Idaho" will join the new nation in a heart beat! ALL the RED RURAL counties will join! That means over 80% of americas landmass.

c82b9c61 No.3724917

I would be really happy if he did.

6fab8ca7 No.3724919

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>I vote for the candidate who poses the least danger to my guns

So you'll gladly die from lack of healthcare, poisoned drinking water, or the next covid that republicans will just pretend isn't real, as long as you don't have to wait 5 minutes for an electronic background check when you go to buy a gun?

6fab8ca7 No.3724920

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Why wait?!
Do it now!
I'll bring the popcorn!

db1206cd No.3724927

Exactly what do you plan to stop it! Throw a fit, scream and yell, and call us all deplorables and racist? FACE IT, we got all the resources and your side has all the useless people! I'm sure you don't want to hear this, but it is a fact!

db1206cd No.3724929

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2d27cfe6 No.3724932

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Uncle Sam IS the Nazi,
blind dumbass.

2d27cfe6 No.3724933

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Naw, the way things have gotten,
we need somebody more hardcore
to handle your ilk.

4aeb8749 No.3724934

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If fucking only. We wouldn't be in half the debt we are without the wellfare class. And most of those people up there would be single moms that "don't need no man", because the government is their sugar daddy.

Fucking Slave morality Christfagdom.

2d27cfe6 No.3724935

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db1206cd No.3724937

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Except Christ has nothing to do with that.

c82b9c61 No.3724938

what i dont get about this thread is Fe users like Dog or 3B acting like they're neurologically capable of understanding love or lecturing others on it, as if overcompensating. I don't really care about the word. You could say my relationship is abuse and loveless all day it wouldn't change that I'd die for the other dude or that we're together forever

Fe users are so weird

I just hope his imageboard isn't like Reddit

c82b9c61 No.3724939

he acts like he's loyal or gets what love is or some shit but wouldn't even give me a hug when asked after i had a bad day, man. I had to read like 1% of his post and it was horrible and I asked for a doggy hug to compensate and I didn't get it

I'd cuddle anyone who had to read his posts. Like I'd get it.

c82b9c61 No.3724940


4aeb8749 No.3724941

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As if the number of black people in america is that great. Meanwhile the number of single moms that are a leech on the system. And raise messed up children, who the medical system can prey on, and prison complex, and the pedos.

4aeb8749 No.3724942

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If you took single motherdom out of the black community. It would be like how it once was.

Dads would put an end to the kids following jail culture. And black girls making themselves bald by 30 via weaves.

Why do so many blacks think they are eternal victims in need of free money? Because they are raised by single mothers who are eternal victims and always want free money.

7b5ce510 No.3724945

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You're lumping me together with someone/comrades who hate everything that's dear to me - which is probably the only way anyone could insult me. Also - anything that 3Broken says about love is completely broken and the opposite of what love is.
This might sound tiresome, but it's far more difficult for those who reject Christ to know the difference between true love, and the satanic/communist inversion of love that 3Broken spews.
The devil/communist counterfeits everything of God's and inverts it - the most obvious example is the inverted cross of satanism. Less obvious examples are the inversions of Christian values, that when inverted are made to sound good/freedom-affirming on the surface, but only lead to murder/death.

My image board will be nothing like Reddit, the environment there and so many of those people are insufferable.

Anyone can fake a hug, especially an Internet-hug. I'm only loyal to Jesus Christ. I will defend those truly close to me, including and especially Jesus Christ.

The way I treat others is in line with me not wanting to genuinely hurt someone. Misunderstandings can happen, but feigning loyalty or camaraderie will eventually injure the other.
Beware those strangers who'll metaphorically jerk someone off and pander to their self-indulgence - what's in it for those strangers, and what character-type would even do such a thing? (Usually creeps, murderers or feds/"jews"/commies… or all-examples-in-one.)

Anyway, I'm very tired. It's so damn late here and I must sleep, doggy bed, etc.

7a19409e No.3724949

Just so you know, nobody reads your deranged schizo walls of text. You're wasting your time posting racist garbage and everyone just ignores you.

7a19409e No.3724950

I never said "white" but you made that connection in your head because you're assume all white people are racist cracker dullards like you are :)

7a19409e No.3724951

Not one single inch of American territory for the fash vermin. They can fuck off and get the hell out of my country if they have a problem with it 😎

c82b9c61 No.3724956

theres a reason i could tell DK is INFP right away and confirmed. I'm really good at diagnosing that shit, lol

c82b9c61 No.3724957

no but i have a soul so i like hugs damnit. you have homelander's exact function stack albeit healthier so there's no Fi, your entire worldview is based on people around you being happy/miserable, you can't have consistent values.

fe users have no fi by default, read up on jung's idea of fi vs fe, and your inferior ti and the susceptibility to insane schizo science that it gives you (as well as your laughable attempts to make it your personality or a cute joke) is so obvious it hurts

this is why you struggle making friends man. half of the people you meet are going to be Fi users like me who operate on consistent values that don't depend on people around us or validation (since that's 8/16 of the stacks in Jung's model) and the other half will be hard logicians and robots who don't care

we're both feeling types, but ENFJ are far more like cult leaders whereas ENFP are just just goofy happy go lucky athletes. im just saying talking to your type is just as inconsistent and infuriating as I must have appeared to you.

it is a really cool stack though. im amazed you got far in business at all with Fe-Ni

wefoids like Soros are ENTJews

c82b9c61 No.3724959

But yeah I don't respect sociopathic manipulators and cult leaders, sorry. I know your goals are well intended but the methodology matters a lot to people with my leanings

4aeb8749 No.3724961

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A bullet don't care what personality type you got. Nor does a knife, nor governments, nor anyone important really.

It matters as much as girls think star signs matter.

c82b9c61 No.3724963

it matters. I wouldn't trust you with menial or technical work, INFPs suck at logic

4aeb8749 No.3724965

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Whats next, you going to tell me how my favorite color limits my choices of ice cream cones?

a850d191 No.3724969

And here is your basic racist niggеr. Just like all niggеrs are racist thugs.

a850d191 No.3724970

Racist niggеr.

c82b9c61 No.3724981

If you disagree with this you are disagreeing with the idea of a subconscious, which he discovered and codified btw. The theory is based on a very simple observable principle

4aeb8749 No.3724985

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Telling someone they suck at logic when Engineering logics games are they're fav game type is lol.

4aeb8749 No.3724986

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I'd be happy as a pig in shit if my boyfriend gets me a new PC for Christmas so I can better run Greg tech New horizons.

Your suppose to automate everything, but the frame drops, the frame drops.

c82b9c61 No.3724987

you are only good at being quiet and sitting in your imagination like a drooling dog and you know it

4aeb8749 No.3724989

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Kinky, is insulting men how you get off? Best hope you don't find a weak male that likes being dominated by a stronger male.

Least they ask you to bite their neck as you take them from behind.

4aeb8749 No.3724991

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The best thing to have touching your back, is the front of another man.

But that doesn't mean your submissive and breedable. Still, I hear it takes tons of sex to get boy pregnant. And thats why a guy should never say no, one less time can mean no kids.

And a guy wants to have kids, so he has a legacy.

4aeb8749 No.3724993

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Guess Foxboy got your tongue, beautiful. Oh well, in political news.

I hear Alex Jones is back on Twitter…I bought water from him once. He said it does something to frogs, but I drank it anyway. It made me feel funny, in a good way. All tingly in my head and pants.

And silly old Tucker Carlson is starting the Tucker Carlson network. How Silly!

73adffb0 No.3724998

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>Nazis aren't cute

c82b9c61 No.3725062

Your Te is so inferior you can't even confront me right when you're trying. This is you trying to mock me and you can't even manage it. It sounds like you're talking to someone who isn't there

6fab8ca7 No.3725140

Stop it? Why would America want to stop conservatives from leaving? Red states are the biggest drain we have on the economy! None of you contribute, you all suck out more tax money than you put in!

It would be so much better for all of us if all of you went off on your own.

6fab8ca7 No.3725141

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>I'm only loyal to Jesus…
>I'm a conservative who supports everything Jesus stood against.

6fab8ca7 No.3725149

Didn't you know? Speaker Mike Johnson graduated college with a degree in design.

Creating a logo is the only thing he is qualified to do.

f5d57482 No.3732355

i am racist and not very bright

1dea53cd No.3733876


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