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You messed with me~

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8124bce9 No.3732973

I've just solved a problem of quantum mechanics, or more accurately; the relation of quantum mechanics with reality, assuming a simulation-theory universe.

Quantum superposition is not the state of a quantum particle existing in all states at once, but rather in none.

Quantum superposition may be a form of processor cycle conservation in a simulation universe. The simulation needs only to simulate that which we see/observe. If we are not observing, it needs only simulate the end result. Quantum superposition is a bug in which the end result is not simulated properly if the quantum particles causing the end result are not being fully simulated, to save processing power of the simulation.

395999df No.3733026

well, now you need to figure out how to manipulate the bug.

Not going to lie, you seem to be a shit scientist.

d54a2d3f No.3733032

but can you fuck it

fc283df5 No.3733050

File: 1708700718515.jpg (630.3 KB, 600x4883, skyrimdragonbornisnotajerk.jpg)

How do I access the Save and Reload feature?

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