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You messed with me~

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File: 1712347317836.jpg (232.44 KB, 1537x2048, 8c2e3da8de34f6640787201ed3….jpg)

14e51116 No.3736831[Reply]

gah, my town is flooded, and I live on high ground.

My house has been reduced to a place for my family to take a shit.

All my super awesome accomplishments, and the only thing I have to show for it is a working toilet. And solar pannels, not like anyone else in this cess pool has power.

14e51116 No.3736832

File: 1712347514042.jpg (648.71 KB, 1024x1024, 113772542_p2_master1200.jpg)

seriously, people lose their cellphones, and suddenly they go mad. Suddenly it goes from "oh hey avoid that freak, he's insane" to "oh hey neighbor, can we use your charger?"

14e51116 No.3736833

File: 1712347734001.png (388.93 KB, 560x315, 2c3506bc.png)

I've made so much money charging cellphones, you have no idea.

14e51116 No.3736834

File: 1712348007690.jpg (199.78 KB, 1600x1280, 05f5aeec6146c8568aa7f0ea8b….jpg)

Plus I'm the king of poop world, 1 dollar to make boom, and go on your way, god I love taking advantage of people.

14e51116 No.3736835

the river is so high that the sewer system isn't working, but me being up on my pedestal, my toilet still works.


File: 1712265590230.jpeg (380 KB, 1080x810, Ef1BuvoU4AA84ys.jpeg)

e07423e3 No.3736752[Reply]

Lulz should be forced anon without IDs.


e1265794 No.3736754

File: 1712271713980.jpg (215.13 KB, 800x1128, 5cf70d0f48a83f6a2740765a13….jpg)

Lulz should give every user a unique silly name that remains the same for all threads and that can't be gotten rid of by deleting cookies or using a proxy.

84577986 No.3736756

File: 1712273443007.jpg (79.61 KB, 850x707, gay56343.jpg)

Its all fun an games until your a guy with a Female Stripper name.

Right Destiny?

8a9ab4da No.3736758

Only samefags would want the ID gone.

63a0faa9 No.3736787

I miss the random names one of the older board builds had. It confused dumbasses who came in and didn't realize the names were generated.

50912364 No.3736791

File: 1712308047779.jpg (41.91 KB, 612x393, istockphoto-91702654-612x6….jpg)

I'd be game for that. Xbox live gave me the random name of "RopeyCupid69" and I was like… fuck it, lets go live.

I've been using it for my rando accounts ever since.

File: 1712207891033.gif (4 MB, 358x228, c94ac0bca3d20ae0c3da701305….gif)

b34f6051 No.3736632[Reply]

In case anyone wonders why lulz was down, Mix attempted to use red text. The result killed the server.

c663a21b No.3736635

File: 1712208517812-0.jpg (9.53 KB, 309x300, niggered.jpg)

File: 1712208517812-1.jpg (43.93 KB, 800x450, F6IlZ4MWIAAlHFp.jpg)

Expect nothing less from an unmedicated whack job.

c7287d1b No.3736637

File: 1712208773820.jpg (191.44 KB, 2000x2000, viv6he5xnuo41.jpg)

Steam needs to catch up, or he'll be outpaced.

a57f1c1f No.3736641

we all kno he was mad

21eb7110 No.3736642

nah it wasnt anything cool like xz or something.
by the way uh…now its xyz

21eb7110 No.3736643

so what is the next aprilfools a lulzpass

File: 1691916044650.png (1.48 MB, 1277x720, Presenting_Fluttershy.png)

7bb17451 No.3711648[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Ponies/MLP stuff.
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7eb7952b No.3728186

File: 1704688836834-0.jpg (1.72 MB, 2480x3508, tempest topless.jpg)

File: 1704688836834-1.jpg (1.71 MB, 2480x3508, tempest.jpg)

File: 1704688836834-2.jpg (1.74 MB, 2480x3508, tempest bottomless.jpg)

1e6c9e31 No.3728754

File: 1705079800892.png (1017.46 KB, 1284x722, 665543.png)

fd3ce5c2 No.3733482

File: 1709095120744.png (82.04 KB, 1294x1470, pony boop.png)

9153ac1c No.3733618

File: 1709248120312.png (2.99 MB, 2249x1250, Screenshot 2024-02-29 1804….png)

8f048615 No.3735110

File: 1710890357604.png (1.02 MB, 967x1726, x722.png)

0a97e8dd No.3735221

I found a good tool for generate pony (nsfw or sfw) check here : https://yiff-ai.com

Check examples :

797567d5 No.3736648

What made me grew out of mlp art? show felt like a cookie cutter deep breath in and out it was fun and a long run. I start plaing some games and other furry stuff.

File: 1705159794033-0.jpg (98.61 KB, 928x960, MyCompnayIsBrokeBecauseIPa….jpg)

File: 1705159794033-1.jpg (55.32 KB, 960x688, VerbalaseWantsYourMoneyCau….jpg)

8d38f499 No.3728868[Reply]

Stupid idiot also wants the "audience" to help save his animation project. The softcore porn video he commissioned also got yeeted from YouTube for copyright claims. Now everyone laughs at him on wasting his money on that garbage animation
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38c958f4 No.3728948

File: 1705196916632.png (55.44 KB, 600x600, Gordons-Vodka-175-l_1.png)

> Where did this money come from?
Really, really foolish investors?

37f0a279 No.3729003

File: 1705229038582.jpg (77.86 KB, 1000x1200, EH0jVffXkAANIaR.jpg)

or possibly really good investments. Somone is searching for who had the money to fund this idiot.

Maybe someone with enough money to ride a shit train into bonerville to fuck an asshole. Its less than unlikely. I mean, I'm a really poor investment, but I somehow keep tricking people into giving me free money to do absolutely nothing… I'm kinda a decent liar, and by liar I mean stretcher of truths.

Its not like I really fuck anyone over severely, its more like I come out on top and they don't really go anywhere.

a737e148 No.3729067

File: 1705278209486.jpg (125.07 KB, 640x853, cyef8tP2b1rniqmy.jpg)

> I'm kinda a decent liar…
I never would have guessed.

1a251324 No.3736538

File: 1711994265742.png (266.7 KB, 626x351, easter-day-poster-cute-bun….png)


I cant find an animated show were there was a rabbit who eats meat with er rabbit friends. It somewhere on youtube

1a251324 No.3736539

She was going out with her friends and they want her to try to eat new meats from a polar bear and other restaruants I dont remember.

b54e091b No.3736543

File: 1711996619017.webm (4.19 MB, 1920x1080, Vegeversary_clip.webm)


Maybe request in a relevant thread next time? Whatever, it's excellent animation.

1a251324 No.3736568

File: 1712004918515.png (15.21 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

Yes, yes; thanks!!!

File: 1599869138890.jpg (777.59 KB, 2592x1540, 503291_Sonicfangirl123_img….jpg)

d70f28e5 No.3588155[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Alone on a Friday night?

Maybe I could be your girlfriend tonight.
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1d662352 No.3727905

File: 1704512611592.jpg (122.97 KB, 512x768, 4830684_SolsticeLeopard_le….jpg)

Alone time again.

c994a3c7 No.3727908

File: 1704513466768.jpg (109.99 KB, 726x800, 427ac27894a1320609c4e833f2….jpg)

Its Friday night, which is my favorite night.
Spaghetti night!

b0eaf750 No.3727985

File: 1704561064365.png (90.64 KB, 1000x1000, the_raccoon_and_the_cheese….png)

I got some tortellini solely use up this old jar of Classico that I've got.

eb3b486e No.3736152

File: 1711758263068.jpg (519.66 KB, 4000x2500, 40323322.jpg)

Pocket pussy deluxe.

fb308a14 No.3736172

Shart in the mart

55cdffa8 No.3736183

File: 1711780188791.png (507.75 KB, 775x894, 764354.png)

Basically alone with my friend having so many video games to play. Hell divers 2, Dragons dogma 2, palworld. This Friday was so slow.

a10a33be No.3736186

I was playing Palworld for a while, sadly I have no friends to play with, so it kinda cut some of the fun out of the game.

Theres this really great spot for a settlement about 8 minutes south of the starting point, a big ass plain with red grass. Super flat, no obstructions, plenty of nearby materials, but you have to stealth your way around battles and manage to not freeze to death to get there starting off.

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d18c4f21 No.3735830[Reply]

Its been a good run, folks.

d18c4f21 No.3735831

File: 1711570051471.png (24.73 KB, 780x769, EqObDTXW8AAxeXd.png)

I haven't had my yearly MRI and at this point I don't really care much anymore. Even if I did develop cancer its inoperable. At that point I'd just go to hospice rather than fight. Trying to get rid of it just costs too much money. I have watched family members fight cancer before and I don't want to put myself through that.

d18c4f21 No.3735832

File: 1711570400824.jpg (13.04 KB, 283x164, 048.jpg)

I accomplish nothing by posting this. I am trying to stay positive and I am just ranting into the void I guess. I don't expect any responses. If you know me then you already know my stance on the matter.

It is what it is.

d18c4f21 No.3735833

File: 1711570765733.jpg (121.33 KB, 900x900, whatever_lulz.jpg)

In the meantime, I am going to pursue as much as I can towards a future. Maybe nothing will happen. Maybe my partner and I will eventually have the farm. Maybe I'll be successful in my career. I will just take it as it comes.

e3305e27 No.3735837

Steam thread

d18c4f21 No.3735862

File: 1711587106671.jpeg (215.1 KB, 1136x1136, EfZR_84U4AI6CIQ.jpeg)


I'm not Steam. I am nobody.

d18c4f21 No.3735863

File: 1711587934019.jpeg (1.23 MB, 2048x2048, EZCG5sKXgAES5Fq.jpeg)

Thread over. Don't forget to shut the light off when you leave.

File: 1710703386366.jpg (61.52 KB, 639x640, yeennevermind.jpg)

736bc176 No.3734919[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Previous thread: >>3733173

Any further /pol/ threads will be deleted.
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eadfc34a No.3736404

File: 1711913390772-0.png (81 KB, 737x616, ewww.png)


eww but he's so old

ab8d1005 No.3736405

Transgender Day of Visibility is a holiday that began in 2009 and has always fallen on March 31. Conversely, Easter falls on the first Sunday after the full moon that follows the spring equinox. It just so happened that the year these two holidays lined up was during Biden's administration. The administration had nothing to do with this.

Why are you so easily manipulated by your media echo chambers?

ab8d1005 No.3736406

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eadfc34a No.3736408

File: 1711914117349-0.png (961 KB, 1275x802, Soros.png)


eadfc34a No.3736409

File: 1711914281519-0.jpg (157.04 KB, 1750x2500, Jasmine_as_a_furry.jpg)


Isn't the point of being trans fitting in so you don't stand out?

eadfc34a No.3736415

File: 1711915307378-0.jpg (90.57 KB, 736x1104, 7442.jpg)

Its just funny to pretend to be a woman for a year, passing. Then tell everybody


eadfc34a No.3736418

File: 1711916048538-0.png (313.24 KB, 535x381, 675333.png)


Those silly republicans. They never win anything that matters. But the left lets them win the things that don't matter so people don't think we have a uniparty.

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File: 1691382847117-1.webm (3.08 MB, 806x662, master splinter mursuit 0.webm)

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67f143cd No.3711107[Reply]

To celebrate the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mutant Mayhem animated movie, this mursuiter decided to dust off his Noblewolf made mursuit and get together with his furry daddy and do a mursuit video featuring Master Splinter. https://murrtube.net/videos/catching-a-rat
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6943e9b3 No.3714787

File: 1694137989436.jpg (39.17 KB, 600x450, CE0YC0XWMAE5aFz.jpg)


Yet here you are.

a48735e7 No.3714788

File: 1694138196416.jpeg (132.19 KB, 960x1280, FynYAAMWYAAmREp.jpeg)


Sane people come here? But why?

d67a1a4a No.3717270


Nice wearable,

7c7805d7 No.3717558

a48735e7 No.3717567

File: 1696058337893.jpeg (356.65 KB, 1366x2048, Fwq8tN7XoAEdP6d.jpeg)


Bless you. Couldn't find the source before.

7c7805d7 No.3717576

File: 1696071087708.jpeg (178.3 KB, 500x500, LUn33T1tVj0cbsv4Ws7WU.jpeg)

9bcf9573 No.3735543

File: 1711245509948.jpg (42.22 KB, 600x888, rawr_wolf.jpg)

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d0569ca2 No.3695690[Reply]

When you can't afford a fursuit…..What do you do?
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93d6974f No.3732187

File: 1707881640762.jpg (90 KB, 800x770, furry.jpg)

> When you can't afford a fursuit…..What do you do?
Just get your Mom to make one for you.

c065e21d No.3733679

File: 1709327730317.png (2.09 MB, 1024x1024, OIG3.png)

01875f6f No.3735436

File: 1711205875289.jpg (486.62 KB, 1280x720, BB1kmgGB___.jpg)

He showed up unannounced at the First Day Of Spring festival here.
I can't tell if that is a fursuit head, or just a mask and some makup he has applied to his face??
Anyone know his identity, or at least what the character is called?

c065e21d No.3735448

File: 1711208597615.jpg (810.88 KB, 1024x1350, AbominableChewbacca-SWT.jpg)


0fad3366 No.3735456

If you're implying Rocket, I don't think that's who he's supposed to be? Every raccoon fursuitet isn't automatically Rocket. It kind of DOES look like someone put a raccoon head on top of a Wookiee body… Raccoons are hairy, but not THAT hairy! And the way the face is designed isn't really very attractive, most raccoons are cute, that is not.

I also am wondering who this is, if he has ever showed up at a furry convention or anything? There actually ARE fursuiters who have never been to a convention and just make appearances locally sometimes, I wonder if he could be one of those?

edd85e3e No.3735495

This may very well be two completely different costumes mashed together, look at the differences in the head and body, not only is it not the same kind of fur, the fur color of the head and body don't even come close to matching!

8a896579 No.3735498

Good cosplay is one thing, dressing yourself as your own sona honestly seems a sign of mental illness, simply because that’s ALOT of money to spend on a public display of your fetish.

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