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/furi/ - Yaff

You messed with me~

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File: 1713992687943.png (1.11 MB, 1218x814, Screenshot 2024-04-24 at 1….png)

7c023223 No.3738469

How we lost our crafter to an accidental death during solo play and ways to keep yourself safer

b8e351bc No.3738482

Got killed him because he touched himself.

God put on a commercial about "I'm poop shy." when I was pawing off. Ruined it.

9da220a5 No.3738489

File: 1714002579843.png (898.84 KB, 1345x624, Screenshot 2024-04-24 at 1….png)

c42b0994 No.3738527

Nothing of value was lost. Good riddance.

Everyone with those sorts of fetishes is retarded and worthless and the world would be better off if they all died. I hope pup play degenerates all get taken to the pound and euthanized next

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